1 Box Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix14.3 oz Oreos12.8 oz Hot Fudge3.4 oz Hersey’s Dark Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix1¾ C Milk3.4 oz Hersey’s Dark Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix1¾ C Milk1 Cool WhipHot Fudge & Oreos, optional toppings
Prepare the pudding layer by mixing a package of instant dark chocolate pudding with 1 3/4 cups of cold milk. Before the pudding sets, pour it over the top of the cake and put the cake in the fridge to let the pudding set, about 15 minutes.
Next mix the 2nd box of pudding mixing a package of instant dark chocolate pudding with cold milk. Refrigerate until the pudding has set. Keep your dirt pie in the fridge while doing this.