There are many reason I love to shop online instead of going in store. This is amplified during the holiday season! Now I know many are worried about card numbers being stolen but I have a way around that!
First buy a gift card and use that online. Bonus you can buy discounted gift cards at many online retailers! You can also buy a preloaded card so if they get it they won't have access to any money on it!
So here are 30 reasons why you should do some or all of your holiday shopping online this year!
30 Reasons to Shop Online
- No lines! Save time not waiting in the long lines!
- No kids to cart around – this is a big plus for me!
- Online coupon codes! Save more then you would in store!
- No buying extra things you find in the aisles – shopping online saves me on impulse buys!
- Save on gas getting there – let UPS or FED-EX eat the gas cost on delivery not you!
- I can shop after kids go to bed – I can shop basically any time I want!
- I can shop in my PJs – No getting dressed to out out and shop!
- I can get cash back at places like eBates – No cash back shopping in store!
- No public restrooms – I'm sorry I like to use my onw bathroom!
- No loading and unloading your car – We lived at a townhouse at one point and everything had to go up one or even two flights of stairs!
- It's safer many crimes happen in store parking lots – while some worry about their card numbers being stolen I addressed that above. Going in store many crimes happen in the parking lot, you cna get pick pocketed ect
- No parking lot battle for a parking space – Sometimes I find my self driving around 3 or 4 times before I find ANY spot!
- Less impulse buys – Save money in the long run!
- Easy price comparison – I can open another window tab and compare prices right there!
- Easier to check reviews on items you're buying – Just like above checking reviews is simple just open another window tab and go!
- Save on shipping – when buying a gift by having it sent right to the person.
- More choices online – I always find more choices online more sizes ect then instore!
- Pre order items – Pre ordered items like movies and get them sooner! No fighting crowds!
- Less items out of stock – Stores cna run out of items quickly when the online site runs it it's because it's gone for good!
- Subscribe and save – Amazon has this feature and some others as well, subscribe to items you need every month, every other month or as few and every 6 months and save even more! Plus it's delivared to your door!
- You can avoid bad weather – No dealing with rain, snow or any other bad weather!
- You can get customized items – You can find items and get them customized online!
- No store closing times – You don't have to hurry because the store is closing in 10 minutes! Fill your cart, go watch a movie and come back!
- Many times you avoid sales tax – If you know where to look you can avoid extra state tax.
- Online only sales – Many comapnies offer online only sales, if you hunt down a coupon code and use with cahsback shopping you can score a HUGE deal!
- Less chance of getting sick – No crowds to deal with means no catching what ever sickness other have and bringing it home.
- No sore feet – no sore feet from a day of shopping!
- Keep a tighter leash on your budget – It's easier to see exactly what you are spending with shopping cart sub totals.
- Freebies with purchase – Some of my favorite stores offer freebies for shopping online!
- Free shipping on big bulky items – No more trying to figure out if that bulky item will fit in your car it will be delivared right to your door.
Best reason for me to shop online – I don’t have a car! It’s horrible to have to tote big shopping bags around on the subway and bus!