5 Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Halloween is one of those holidays that you either love or hate. There seems to be no in between on that for most people. For kids though, it’s a free for all of candy, dressing goofy or scary and time spent on all things not homework or chores. Unfortunately, it can also be a time of accidents and scary moments for Mom and Dad. With proper planning and precautions, trick or treat can be kept a fun experience with memories that will last a lifetime. Check out these 5 Trick or Treat Safety Tips and be sure to use them this Halloween for your own little ghosts and goblins.
- Glow Sticks are your friend – With cars and other boogiemen running around on Trick or Treat night, ghosts, goblins and zombies can be very hard to see on unlit neighborhood streets. Picking up a glow stick or two and either having it carried or pinning it to their costume will keep them visible and avoid the chance of them getting hurt. If you aren’t fond of the glow stick idea, a simple reflector or small flashlight will work just as well.
- Keep their costume simple – Masks and makeup that block a child’s vision, robes that are too long, pants that are too big and shoes that they can’t comfortably walk in are all ways of just asking for your kid to get hurt. Before they leave the house, be sure that they can see (and breathe) well, can walk freely without getting tangled up and that their shoes are not going to blister or bruise their feet. You’ll save yourself a whole lot of frustration later on if you do.
- If your kids are old enough to be walking by themselves, be sure that they have what they need in case of an emergency. Pick up a cheap prepaid cell phone (if they don’t already have one), give them a personal emergency alarm to push if needed and be sure that they have places along their route that they can stop in case of an emergency. Also, be 100% sure that you know the streets they will be walking on and who they will be with.
- Make sure you check your child’s candy once they get home. We have a rule in our home that no one eats a single piece until Mom or Dad checks it first. Go through and pull out any items that have a wrapper missing, ripped wrapper or just don’t seem to be “right.” Yes, for the most part, the candy is safe, but you really just never know. Let’s face it…there are some sick people in this world sometimes and I would rather be safe with my kids than sorry.
- If you’re passing out candy instead of trick or treating, be sure that your walkway is safe for the little ones that will be visiting your home. Make sure that your porch light is on, that the walkway and any stairs are free from any obstacles that could cause them to trip and that there are no decorations that could cause a fall or other injury. Also, be sure that you’re sitting in a visible, open place so that they don’t have to search you out just for their treat.
Trick or Treat doesn’t have to be a scary thing and with my 5 Trick or Treat Safety Tips, you know that your kiddos will be safe and free to have a fun night. Do you see any that I missed? I’d love to hear what they are!
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