Back-To-School Prep
Summer has just begun, but before you know it, it’ll be time for school again. Although getting ready for school can be a hassle, a little bit of planning can help make your back-to-school prep time go a little more smoothly. This summer, take a few minutes to plan your back-to-school clothes, supplies, routine, and even lunch. You won’t regret it.
Back-To-School Clothes
Going back to school means one thing: your child is getting older. Unfortunately, this also means your child is outgrowing clothing from last year. Back-to-school time is the perfect opportunity to update your children’s wardrobe with clothing that fits their growing bodies and meets their needs for a new school year. Many back-to-school sales allow you to do this without ruining your monthly budget.
Back-To-School Supplies
School supplies are also a must for preparing for a new school year. Each summer, your child’s school should give you a supply list with items that will be needed for the coming year. Items can include a variety of supplies, such as pencils, crayons and folders. As your child gets older, you’ll notice some new supplies being added to the list, such as calculators and homework planners. Once your child’s school gives you the supply list, don’t procrastinate. Starting shopping all of the sales and find your supplies at a bargain price.
Back-To-School Routine
Chances are your children were able to go to bed a little later and sleep in over their summer vacation. Although there is nothing wrong with this, your children are not ready to start a new school year. School usually starts early in the morning and requires a rested mind ready to go. In order to ensure your children are ready for a new school year, get back into the routine. Set an earlier bedtime and have your children wake up around the time they will need to once school starts. Starting this routine a week or two before the first day of school will better allow your children to adjust to the earlier schedule.
Back-To-School Lunch Menu
Planning a back-to-school lunch menu is a great way to be prepared for a new school year. Even though getting the hot lunch at school is a great way to skip the hassle of packing lunch, your child might not always like what’s on the menu, which means a sack lunch. Regardless if you’re buying or packing lunch, take a few moments to plan your child’s lunch menu. Be sure to add nutritious and filling foods that will keep your child healthy.
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