As a mom to 5 kids, we do the Christmas Elf but I'm not the best to remember to move it every night! Several years ago I came up with the perfect hack to get out of moving the elf for a few days. Our elf took a sick day! We have since done several versions of our Sick Elf Letter and we even include a letter and it gets us a few days of freedom!
OH NO! Sick Elf Letter + A Few More Sick Elf Ideas
With the holidays coming up. Many of us are continuing the Elf tradition and some of us are starting the tradition. Either way, we are always looking for new ideas to keep things fun and interesting!
Our family elf is called Mater. Yes, after the Cars Movie Mater. Though one year I may or may not have lost Mater so we had his buddy Skittles visit us because Mater was on a top secret mission. So now it's a guess every year who will show up Mater or Skittles.
Well needless to say we need a break of moving the dang elf every night! So here are a few ways your elf can take a sick day!
A quick note if you are looking for more ideas check out our 75+ Huge List of Elf Ideas
Christmas Grinch Elf
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Kid Touches Elf
The most common way is when your child ‘accidentally' touches the elf. This makes the elf lose his magic. The way we handle this is first it causes the Christmas Elf Sick day which looks like this in our house.
Then they have to follow the careful instructions on how to get an Elf's Magic back when your kid touches him.
Well my son got a bit too excited and touched our elf! He did the whole routine and Santa came to give him his magic back! So he had to take a sick day!
Santa Left him a letter and wrapped him up in a bandage, made him a bed from a cake mix box, made a pillow from a washcloth and a blanket from a hand towel!
You can have Santa give special instructions that he is to remain in bed for a few days or even a week!
Elf Catches a Cold
If anyone in your house gets sick your elf can catch a cold too! Our elf likes to hide out with the toilet paper to use not only as a blanket but to blow his nose.
He can leave a note for the kids that he is on bed rest for a few days, or until your child gets better. One of our kids is always sick this time of year so it works out perfectly to give us a few days break!
Elf Breaks His Leg
Our elf does some crazy stunts as I'm sure all family's does so when one of them goes wrong the elf can break his leg which could put him on bed rest until Christmas!
To keep it fun you can switch out who is watching over him and have your kids read him books each day to keep him company and get their reading time in!
Personalized Christmas Elves

No two snowflakes are alike, and it turns out the same can be said for these personalized Christmas elves! When you order your very own personalized elf, you get to choose everything from their name to their gender to even the year you want displayed. And of course, each Christmas Elf comes with a charming snowflake on their hat. If you want to take it a step further and choose a font that really speaks to you, the team is happy to take your suggestions. With so many ways to make your elf truly one-of-a-kind, it's no wonder they're quickly becoming a beloved holiday tradition for families everywhere!
Elf gets Tangled in Tinsel
If your elf likes to play in your Christmas Tree there is always a chance he will get tangled in the tinsel. This isn't easy for him to get out of! Plus Santa might then put him in time out for messing with the Christmas Tree.
Yes even elves can earn a time out! Santa can leave a note for the kids about the elf's time out with a special gift for the kids. It could be a candy cane of the many free Christmas printable you can find on Pinterest.
Elf Overheats
Are you kids running around inside and you can't get them to calm down. It happens in my house way too often! Well, our Elf can't keep up with them and it causes him to overheat.
He then has to take a timeout in the freezer. Meanwhile the kids get a punishment from Santa, normally to clean their room or to pick 3 toys to giveaway. This works for Momma to make room for new things!
Have you had to write a Sick Elf Letter? I'd love to know what yours said! Let me know in the comments below!
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