England is one of the longest standing monarchy’s in the world, and it is a great country to explore with children. The history of the island is long and very complicated, especially for children that didn’t grow up studying English history. From castles to holiday, England has a lot of interesting topics for kids to learn about.
Learn About the English Flag
Alone the Flag of England looks a lot different than the Union Jack that everyone is used to seeing as representative of the United Kingdom. St. George’s Cross lies on a field of white and has been used since the Middle Ages, when the United Kingdom was not always a united kingdom. Let children create their own St. George’s Cross flag magnet as a souvenir.
Flag Link:
Construction Paper
Glue Stick
Using the flag template as a guide, have children create the Flag of England using construction paper and a glue stick. Attach the flag to a magnet and enjoy!
Learn About Guy Fawkes
England celebrates several different holidays that we do in the United States. One of those holidays is known as, Guy Fawkes Day, when a group of men tried to assassinate King James 1 and install their own king. The plan was foiled and to this day the British burn Guy Fawkes effigies. Help children create their very own Guy Fawkes effigy using the site provided as a guide.
Toilet Paper roll
Construction Paper
Crayons or markers
Cut each template piece out of the construction paper and assemble your paper towel tube Guy Fawkes effigy.
Learn About Tea Customs
Teatime is a very important social event in England, with everyone young and old stopping to take the time to enjoy a cuppa. Give kids the chance to enjoy their own cup of tea when they create a paper towel roll teacup for the table and learn about the customs and etiquitte that goes along with tea time.
Toilet Paper Tube
Construction Paper
Cut toilet paper tube in half. One half is going to be the teacup and the second half is going to be shortened further, by a third and serve as the teacup handle. Cover the tube pieces with similar paper and glue down. Make a bottom on the teacup half and leave both ends of the handle portion open. Secure the teacup handle to the teacup with tape or glue and allow it to set. Let children use the teacups to sit down and serve and sip tea.
Learn About the Royal Family
England is most known for its royal family, and the Prince, Princess and their son are the most sought after royals. Talk about the history of kings and queens in England. How has the monarchy survived in England for so long? Help children create a royal crown that they can wear throughout the day.
Crown Tutorial:
Construction paper
Glue Stick
Use the template to trace and create the crown of your choosing with a corresponding band. Let children decorate the front of their crowns with gemstones and attach them to the front of the crowns with glue.
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