So I was on the hunt for some fine motor skill activities that were fun. We have been working on colors and I saw a suggestion on finger painting. I wasn't a fan of that unless it's outside and well it's still a mess if my daughter is anything like her mother was at her age 😉 So I came up with this idea. Mess free color mixing. You can teach colors and what colors what each other and best of all? Clean up takes less then 10 seconds (maybe more if you have a long walk to the trash can!)
First pick your colors. We started off with red and blue because they make her favorite color purple! Put one color at the bottom corner of a ziploc bag and the 2nd color at the top opposite corner. Get as much air out as possible and zip the bag up GOOD! Then tape the side of the bag down. I suggest painters tape it comes off real easy! Then have them start pushing the colors together. As they play the colors will mix and they will have fun.
Make sure keep asking what colors they are using and as they mix ask them to identify the new color and reiterate that blue and red make purple, pointing to each color. This will be a great visual!
I just posted a primary/secondary color project on my blog today too! This is such a cool idea, and the no mess makes it great for little ones.