Packing Mommy's Hospital Bag
When the day (or night) comes when an expectant mother finally announces, ‘I think it's time to go to the hospital,' the last thing anyone wants to think of is packing. If it's your first baby you are lucky to remember to even grab Mommy's Hospital Bag.
Along with important paperwork such numbers of private insurance policies and the contact information for one's GP and/or obstetrician, there are items that will make the time away from home more comfortable and enjoyable.
The following are suggested items to bring, but do this well in advance.
1) Depending on the individual hospital procedures, one probably will not be able to use the cell phone. Therefore, pack a small address book with the numbers of people who will want to know right away that baby has arrived in case using the hospital's phone is necessary.
2) Some hospitals now charge for tissue, toilet paper, and even laundering towels. Be sure to check if those things need to be packed.
3) A light dressing gown or loose sweats and a t shirt, slippers and, comfortable socks. Those strange sort of papery hospital gowns and foot envelopes are not comfortable.
4) Plus bring some baby sleepers if you wish to dress baby is more than the hospitals clothes, I did!

5) Makeup, hair brush, and personal grooming items will help to feel fresh and put together.
6) A lovely going home outfit for Mom and baby. Pictures will be taken, so make it something pretty. Also some blankets even if it should be warm! In Oct when baby #3 was born it was 80 degrees when we came home we had no blanket and it was 40 degrees. We had to ‘borrow' one from the hospital.

7) Reading material. People will come to visit, and they will inevitably bring the day's newspaper or a showbiz tabloid. If the new Mom's tastes are more along the lines of The Economist, pack it. In fact, it is not a bad idea at all to buy a book that Mom has been wanting to read, but leave it in the bag until baby is born. Also ask many hospitals now allow you to bring laptops. This is great for the long periods of baby sleeping and nothing for mom to really do.
8) While many hospitals provide bottles and formula if you are wanting to use a certain kind of formula or bottles I would bring them with you as most hospitals use the basic blue similac.

9) A journal to record thoughts and write a letter to baby. A letter to older siblings, if there are any at home, would be appreciated.
10) A camera for those moments when baby is being adorable, which will be all the time.
11) Card stock cut to size (4×4 is a good size) to get extra prints of baby's feet when the nurses stamp baby's feet for records. When they are doing this, it isn't much more time to get extra prints that can be used for the baby book, greeting cards, or other craft project. Colorful inkpads and card stock for in room projects can be fun, too.
12) A gift from the baby for each older sibling will help to make the older child(ren) feel included in the celebration.
Finally, keep the bag by the front door or bring it in the car when out. One never really knows when, where, or how rapidly labor pains will start.
What do you think is a must have in your Mommy's Hospital Bag?
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