I received the product mentioned to conduct my review. My story and opinions are 100% mine.
As a military family we spent a lot of time with my husband not home, we went through several deployments and when he wasn’t deployed he had to be deployment ready so he would be out to sea for 2-8 weeks at a time. Then when he WAS home he had duty days every 8 days where he had to stay overnight on the ship. When we got to shore duty there were many early mornings and late nights where he got to come home but didn’t get to see his kids because they were already asleep. He had duty weekends where he was gone from Friday morning until Monday evening.
I am not telling you this to complain, but you give you an idea of why I am so excited to share something with you. Every person, every division, every department, every dusty station and every brand is different, but there would have been such a blessing to have when we were doing duty days and under ways when hubby had access to a phone.
Ok what am I talking about? CloudPets™. I’m sure by now you have seen at least one commercial about them! My husband missed so much and we were always trying to find ways to keep the bond close with him and the kids.
So what is CloudPets™ and how does it work? Well the cloud pet is an animal for you kid. You download the app on your smartphone and anyone you want to send messages to your child can download it to and connect with your account. Think mom, dad, grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and more!
They use the app to leave a message and then you get a notification there is a message. You can then send the message to your child’s pet for them to hear. They are able to hug and snuggle with their CloudPets™ making the distance a little bit easier to deal with.
Did you know? “Studies show that up to 70% of children develop healthy, stress-easing attachments to what psychologists call “transitional objects” (toys, blankets), which benefit their emotional development—especially if parents work late, travel, or are deployed. CloudPets™ can provide a tangible connection to parents through the transitional object.”
This is a great gift for a child whose parents is deployed, has to travel for work, work late, or even family that lives in another state.
It is so easy to do and to see the excitement on your kids’ faces!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CloudPets™.
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