Tips for a Less Stressful Move
Tips for a Less Stressful Move
Most military families must pack up their belongings and move on a frequent basis. Because they must move regularly, it can be a great help if they follow moving tips, like the ones listed below.
Four Weeks Before Move
When moving it is a good idea to start planning your move at least four weeks beforehand. You need to determine what you will move and what tasks you will have done by a moving company, like My Guys Moving.
Notify your local post office of your planned move. You will also want to alert newspaper, magazines, the DMV, Social Security and other official offices in your area of the move.
Decide what personal and household items you no longer need and sell or give them away. You can have a garage sell or list items for sale online. Many charities will pick up items at your home.
Two Weeks Before Move
Contact your utility companies and schedule services to be stopped at your old house and started at the new one. Pets traveling by airplane should be checked to make sure their vaccinations are up date. You should also make sure you have returned library books, have items from the cleaners and returned all borrowed items to your friends.
One Week Before Move
The week before your planned move, you will want to begin packing items you do not use often. You should develop a good system for your packing. Packing items from each room together, can be helpful. However, it is still a good idea to know what is inside each box. You can label the box with the contents or number the boxes and keep an inventory of each. Another good option is using clear plastic containers. This will allow you to see what is inside each box.
The Day Before the Move
Make sure all appliances are unplugged so they are at room temperature when they are moved. Finish packing the items you use regularly. It is a good idea to pack a backpack or bag for each member of the family with the items they will need their first day in your new home. You should also pack one for the kitchen, with plates, cups, utensils and other items used daily.
By following these simple tips, your next move can be less stressful. This combined with the help of professional movers can make your move a much easier experience for everyone in the family.
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