Do you have a 1st grader looking to move up to 2nd grade? Wondering what he or she should know for this transition? Here is a comprehensive list of 40 skill your child should have and be able to do to move into 2nd grade. Are they missing a few? DON'T WORRY! Every school system is different, and summer vacation is the PERFECT time to work on them!
40 Things Your 1st Grader Needs to Know for 2nd Grade
- They should Work independently at their desk
- Sit in a chair for a longer time frame then Kindergarten
- Complete their homework and bring it back the following day
- Listen to extended sets of directions
- Read school work instructions from the board
- Understands some of the Solar System and how Earth and our life
- Relate to and repeat experiences in greater detail and in a logical way after listening
- Be able to see things from another person’s point of view; teach her empathy
- Problem-solve disagreements
- Understands the concept of habitats and distinguishes between different types of habitats
- Read aloud first-grade books with accuracy and understanding
- Crave affection from parents and teachers
- Understand and use correctly conjunctions and prepositions, such as but and beyond
- Distinguish left from right
- Be able to plan ahead
- Write and Spell untaught words phonetically
- Knows that objects can be described, classified and compared to their composition and properties (color, shape, etc.)
- Write complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation
- Tell time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks
- Quickly answer addition problems with sums up to 20
- Quickly solve subtraction problems with numbers 0 to 20
- Complete two-digit addition and subtraction problems without regrouping
- Recognizes and observes characteristics and behavior of living and non-living things
- Uses investigation to seek information
- Understands that history tells stories about real events and real people of other times and places
- Uses simple maps, globes and other means to identify and locate places of personal significance (Grandma lives in New York, our vacation will be in Arizona, etc.)
- Understands how and why rules are made
- Understands the basic functions of a bank
- Counts by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s
- Identifies whole, half, thirds and fourths
- Identifies, orders and writes numerals from 0 to 100
- Knows addition and subtraction facts to 50
- Adds and subtracts two-digit numbers to 99 without regrouping
- Identifies and draws basic shapes
- Recognizes and uses standard measuring tools, such as rulers, scales and thermometers
- Recognizes and adds money to $1.00
- Collects and records data using tallies, lists, charts and graphs
- Solve word problems and problems with one- and two-digit numbers up to 20.
- Understand the meaning of the “tens” and “ones” places in two-digit numbers and learn to compare two-digit numbers using > (more than) and < (less than).
- Measure objects and put them in order by length.
Christa Thomas says
Is this a list of what a first grader should know going into second grade or what they will learn in second grade? I am a homeschooling mom with my daughter going into second grade this year. I know she doesn’t know everything on this list quite yet but will. I was also wondering how you keep track of all their progress?
Danielle, The Frugal Navy Wife says
This is what they should know before starting 2nd grade. Every school system and curriculum is different but this is a general list.
Amy says
This page was too difficult to print out so that it could be useful to me. It was covered with
advertisements. Thank you looks likes a great list.