When you're looking to cut expenses, one way to do so is to look at groups that are known for being frugal. The Amish are just one of these groups and if you look hard enough, you can learn quite a few money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle. The Amish live a very simple life and as a result, they live very frugal lives. For families who are looking to lower their living expenses, taking a few steps toward this simplistic, frugal lifestyle is one sure-fire way to do it.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the Amish are frugal but that isn't entirely true. The Amish live a lifestyle that happens to be frugal, but they don't do it for the sake of frugality. It is their beliefs and values that are frugal by nature. You, however, aren't likely to be Amish which means that you will need to work these money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle into your life instead of your life naturally saving you money.
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Money-Saving Tips from the Amish Lifestyle
The other thing that people get wrong is that these money-saving tips from the Amish really aren't anything super secret. In fact, they're more common sense than secret. If you are attempting to live frugally, you should already be doing these things to save money. If you're not, consider putting these money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle to work in your budget immediately.
Use Less
We are a society that uses a lot and a lot of everything we use and that use costs us thousands each year. We eat too much, we use too much power, we use too much water, and even something as simple as using too much shampoo or toothpaste.
That is why one of the best money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle that you could receive is to use less of everything. If you don't believe how much excess use costs you, try it for a month. I am certain you will see a significant difference in your expenses.
Cook from scratch

Speaking of going back to the basics, cooking from scratch is such an important money-saving tip that it deserves to be mentioned on its own. Convenience foods are quick, but they're full of unhealthy fillers and they are actually more expensive per serving when you break their cost down.
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The Amish don't use convenience food instead, they cook everything from scratch. Not only that but a huge portion of Amish recipes are actually really cheap family recipes that are both filling and nutritious.
Make more and buy less
Instead of buying so much, why not make it? Homemade products are not only healthier for you, but they are usually considerably cheaper. You can make your own homemade cleaning products and more with just a few ingredients. White vinegar, baking soda, and lemon essential oil are all that are really needed to clean your home. By making more than you buy, you'll be surprised at how low your expenses actually become.
Related: How to Save Money Each Month – 60 Things to Make Instead of Buying
Don't be wasteful
Reusing things is a staple of Amish life so the next money-saving tip from the Amish is to reuse what you can so that you waste less. There are a ton of things that can be reused that you use every day of your life. When you reuse something, you save yourself the money that you otherwise would have spent. Generally, if you can rinse it out or wash it, it can be reused.
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Grow Your Own Food
Gardening is a huge staple of Amish life. In fact, they pretty much grow or raise all of the food that they eat. When you learn how to start a garden, you give yourself not only the gift of saving money but also the gift of a bit of self-sufficiency. Neither is ever a bad thing.
Before you start your garden, make certain that you take the time to plan it fully so that you aren't planting things that your family won't eat. If you don't have the room for a full-size garden, you can start a container garden with very little space needed.
Related: Great Depression Tricks for Gardening
Preserve your own food

Along with growing their food, the Amish also take the time to preserve the food that they grow by canning or dehydrating it. All you need is a canner and a few good canning recipes to get started. Once your food is properly canned or dehydrated, it is shelf-stable for years after. Preserving your food is a great way to eat fresh tasting fruits and vegetables all year long without having to pay high out-of-season costs.
Buy in Bulk
Another way you will see the Amish save money is by buying items in bulk. By buying items in bulk, you’re saving money. Of course, being able to buy items in bulk is only useful if you are going to use everything.
Get outside more
I think this is my favorite of all of the money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle! Get outdoors! The Amish spend a considerable amount of time outside working. While you don't have to spend all your time working, spending time outdoors will usually keep you from spending money. Head to a National or State Park, head to the beach or just get out and ride your bikes. Not only will you be healthier, but you'll also be richer!
Line Dry Your Clothes
Have you ever thought about line drying your clothes? This is one way the Amish save money. Considering the fact most Amish don’t have electricity, it makes sense that they line dry their clothes. Even if you have electricity, this is one-way money-saving tip from the Amish you can take and apply it to your life
Learn new skills
The Amish have so many more skills than what is common for the average American family and those skills are the one reason why they are so frugal. If you don't know how to do something, take a class and learn. Knowing how to perform the task yourself will save you significantly since you won't have to hire someone else to do it.
If you don't have time to take a class in person, Udemy is fantastic for taking classes online. They have a ton of topics and you never know, you may just learn a new career!
The Amish lifestyle is one that has been built around the principles of simplicity, community, and sustainability. While you may not want to give up all your modern conveniences or live in a community where everything is communal, there are many money-saving tips from the Amish lifestyle that can be applied to your own life. What have you tried from the list of money-saving tips?