Did you know that September 6th was National Read a Book Day? Amazon wants to share how easy it is to read a book on a Kindle fire! They sent me a Kindle Fire HD 6.
See that sticky note? That means they sent me one to give away as well! YAY! Each one also has a case to go with it! So I won't lie the last kindle i had was one of the first ones they came out with. So I wasn't sure what to expect.
In many ways it's like a tablet, It has apps, an internet browser, wifi, email, and more.
The screen is so clear and it reminds me off a tablet! There is so much to do on the kindles.
One thing I LOVE about the Kindle is the Free Time app! It locks the kids into the app so they can't get into things that aren't appropriate. You can also subscribe to Freetime Unlimited for $2.99 a month and get unlimuted acess to books and apps for you kids! My kids are loving the access to books.
Before we got on the road we had a HUGE book collection which is paired down quite a bit now. So being able to get books on kindle is HUGE for us!
They also want you to know that they recently released their Fall Reading Preview. TONS of great books that ahev just come out or are getting ready to come out VERy soon!
Now on to what I'm sure the main reason you are here… THE GIVEAWAY!
I received the above product to conduct my review, all opinions remain my own.
I would love to have something to keep my most used apps handy wherever I am.
The internet,WiFi, reading….alllllll of it ๐
I would love to get ebooks from the library.
I would like to try every feature on it and leave no stone unturned until I discovered everything about it