Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor Unit Study Art Activity
This art project gives you a great opportunity to discuss the different tools a doctor has and what they might be used for. This is helpful especially if you have a child that is apprehensive about visiting the doctors office. Some are used when you are sick or have a problem, sore are used during regular checkups. Gather materials that are likely already on hand in your medicine cabinet to complete a fun Doctor themed collage. This is also great for fine motor skills as they use their pincer grasp to pick up and position items and tape.
Supplies Needed:
File Folder
2- 8” pieces of ribbon
medical supplies like; cotton balls, cotton swabs, bandage tape,
tongue depressors (craft sticks) band aids, rubber gloves,etc..
markers or crayons
Staple ribbon to top of file folder on each side, match them up so they form a handle like a doctor bag.
Provide your child with tape and hand them medical supplies as listed above, as you hand them each piece tell them what it is and what it might be used for, have them fasten them on with tape. Smaller children would benefit from you pre-tearing tape and placing it on the edge of the table for them.
Let them color and decorate their doctor bag as they wish.
You could also cut or print out pictures of medical objects and have them glue them onto the “bag”.
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