Berenstain Bears Go To The Doctor Unit Study Activity
Berenstain Bears Go To The Doctor book from the beloved furry pals we know so well takes a peek at visiting the doctor for a checkup for the cubs with a sneezing, sniffling papa along. If your child has fears about the doctor or you just want to teach them some additional doctor information this is a great book and I have put together an activity, a craft, and a snack that I did with my kids, I hope you enjoy.
Dramatic play is a fantastic way for children to learn to differentiate real vs. fantasy, develop social skills, it gives them a feeling of power, and releases stress for them. I am a firm believer in learning through play, so I gave the kids their own doctors office to learn and play in.
Discuss with children that in real life just like in the Berenstain Bears book sometimes we visit the doctor when we are ill and sometimes we go just for a simple check up to make sure we are growing and developing the way we should.
Set up a corner in the playroom, bedroom, or even the living room. We set ours up in a corner of the home school room. I surprised the kids when then woke up one morning on the day of our Berenestein Bears Visit The Doctor I set out supplies from our multiple doctor kits on trays ( I purchased these at Dollar Tree last year) as well as cups of medical supplies like cotton balls, tongue depressors, rubber gloves, and band aids. I also set out a cast of my son's leg from a prior incident for them to explore and since I could not find his x-ray I used one of our dogs taped to the window. Telephone, pager, and clipboards are also helpful tools for doctors to have.
They lined up patients along the wall and brought out a doll bed for the patient being examined. To work on some fine motor skills I had them draw their patient with an arrow to where the “ boo boo” was. We talked about reasons why they might have the boo-boo, for instance Mr. Bear ate too much candy. I asked my toddler to identify body parts using the dolls and stuffed animals- head, tummy, foot, eyes, etc.
For older children you can have them do copywork- writing medical words, or give them a writing prompt like- “ I like to go to the doctors office because..”
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