This task is easy, the hardest part is getting all the red wine corks 😉
What you need
- Wine corks (about 100 if you go for the size I did)
- Hot glue
- Ribbon to hang
First you want to take what corks you have it get the pattern of where you want them, and in the shape you want. My rows start at 1 then added 1 each row. (1,2,3 ect) up to 11 corks a row then down to 10 then the rounded parts are 4 and 3 in each.
Once you have your pattern you want to start hot gluing the the wine corks in rows.
Let the rows dry and settle. Then start gluing the rows together. I suggest starting at the top and working your way down to the point like seen below.
Once your doen let the glue dry.
Then add ribbon to the back if you wish to hang it with.
Then hang. Totally Simple!
Totally cute! Love to make this, have to drink a lot more wine though! What brands/types of wines did you find to have red corks? Could you color them in some way? Maybe with a red ink pad?
Honestly i didn’t drink all these I bought them on Ebay orignally for a gift for my Mother in law (will post later!) I had extra so i made this. Any red wine will tint the cork red, Darker red the longer the wine was in contact with the cork.