In Dr. Seuss’s story about The Sneetches, the creatures argue amongst themselves about which is best: the green star bellies or no star bellies. As the Sneetches argue, they quickly learn to reconcile and accept themselves for who they are. Enjoy the story of The Sneetches with your child, then dive into this fun and frugal craft. Make your own Sneetches Foot Print Craft using a few simple materials and your child’s foot. Take a look below at how easy it is to make one.
Supplies needed:
Yellow and green craft paint
White paper
Pair of googly eyes
Craft glue
Wood star
We were able to find all of the supplies we used at our local dollar store. Just look in the craft supplies section for these and all of your craft supply needs.
Related: 11 Dr Seuss Crafts and Activities
1. Begin by applying a generous amount of yellow paint to the child’s foot.
2. Press the foot firmly to the piece of paper. Lift slowly. Take a finger and apply some paint to it. Next to the footprint, make a finger print to look like the Sneetches beak.
3. When the yellow paint has dried, glue on your pair of googly eyes.
4. Paint the wood star shape with your green paint. Add two coats if needed. Allow some time to dry.
5. Finally, glue the star over the belly of the foot print Sneetch.
That’s it! Your foot print Sneetches craft is now ready to display. These cute Sneetches will look great displayed at your Seuss themed party, or also make a great Seuss themed party craft. Head to your dollar store and grab the supplies you need to give this craft a try.
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