Today let's talk about sponsored content!
What is sponsored blog content?
This is where a company or person pays you to put the content up on your site.
Bloggers have a HUGE influence on their readers, their readers trust them and listen to what they say and brands are taking notice! This means sponsored content is a big way to earn money on your blog.
This content can range from a mention in a post, an entire post, a created recipe, a mention on social media, an email sent to your email list and SO MUCH MORE!
How do you get sponsored content?
There are 2 major ways.
Sponsored Post Companies
The easiest way as a new blogger is to use sponsored post companies, or middlemen. They have relationships with the brands and they then pull from their pool of bloggers to fill the campaign the brand wants. No site is too small to earn sponsored content.
I posted a list of some great sponsored post companies for new bloggers on my blog. There are also some other great tips there too 😉
Pitch Them Yourself
Go to the brands and pitch them yourself! Scary right? I know! Brandi Riley put together an eBook called Pitch Session and it's only $5 and teaches you how to do just this! She has webinars, pitch emails, and more.
Another great way to make the brand connection is to go blogging conferences. There are way too many to list and there are new ones every year. Ones like Blog Her, Blogging Bootcamp, FinCon and Blogger Bash. Then there are ones that are niche targeted like TBEX for travel. Blog Her Food and Food and Wine Conference for Food Blogs. Haven for DIYers and more!
Keep in mind your blog should be at least 30 days old and have the 10 posts we talked about up and published. You should also be publishing posts once a week (or more!) before applying for sponsored content.
Tomorrow we talk about selling your own products then we dive into increasing traffic!
Suggested Reading: Bloggers and Brands: The blogger's guide to pitching and working with brands.
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