Have you ever thought about or considered buying in bulk as a new way to save on your budget? Maybe you’ve even taken a look around a bulk store wanting to get started but weren’t sure what you would do with all that bread.
How to Get Started Buying in Bulk
Buying in bulk can be intimidating to get started but once you get the hang of it, you can save so much money off your bills and you will be prepared for things and not have to make so many trips to the grocery stores! Here are some easy tips to get started with buying in bulk.
- Fit one item into your budget at a time. Buying in bulk can be overwhelming on your budget in the beginning if you don’t start slowly. Find an item that you use a lot of and buy it in bulk. A single thing added to your grocery shopping list at a time won’t exceed your budget and you will notice the savings the next time you shop.
- Only buy in bulk when it REALLY saves you money. A penny here and there isn’t a big enough reason to buy in bulk since you will have the extra time re-packing food and finding a place for it. Whatever items you buy in bulk need to offer you real savings over the individual size package.
- Learn how to store bulk foods. Decide if you want to go with glass or plastic storage containers or if you are going to get really into bulk buying and store your items in 5-gallon buckets and larger totes. I invested in a 2nd (and 3rd) freezer to store bread, milk, meat, veggies etc.
- Decide where you are going to store your bulk foods. Can you make room in your regular pantry or will you need to make a space in another closet for them?
- Use Amazon Pantry to Stock Up. You can use Amazon Pantry to help you stock up in not such big levels as well.
However and whenever you decide to start shopping in bulk, take it slow. Do one thing at a time instead of heading to the nearest Sam’s Club and filling up your cart. Let your budget and your family get used to it and before you know it you will be a bulk buying pro.
See how I save even more by changing HOW I grocery shop.
Great tips! I agree with everything you say including budgeting for one item at a time. I have started doing that as I run out of essentials that I know I can get cheaper in bulk.