I love super easy school lunches that are easy to make for the week. Even though we are homeschoolers we still have school day lunches and lunches while we are out and about to think about. One of the lunches I have in my recipe box is these homemade uncrustables.
Amazing Homemade Uncrustables to Try Right Now
The best part about these uncrustables is that you can customize them to your family. We like to use white bread but many families prefer wheat bread or you can use gluten free bread if you are gluten free.
Then comes the jam choices. While for the round we used plain grape jelly you can use any flavor you want. Like our freezer strawberry jam or our instant pot blueberry jam.
Take it a step further skip the jelly and do peanut butter and bananas or marshmallow fluff. I LOVED peanut butter and marshmallow fluff when I was a kid! They even have strawberry marshmallow fluff now! I think the inner kid in me is demanding I try this!
You can use Nutella or any other peanut butter substitute you want. This is the best part you can make them completely your own. Make a new version every week, then freeze them and have a great back to school lunches or snacks.
These are crazy simple to make you will wonder why you didn't think of it yourself!
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