How To Save Money On Groceries
These days, it’s important to make the most of your budget and sometimes you really have to make your dollar stretch. Groceries can really add up as you’re walking through the store. However, there are a few tips and tricks to help you lower your grocery bill.
1. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach.
This is important because when you’re hungry, you’ll be tempted to grab tons of snacks and foods that look good to you at that moment, and not what you necessarily need. Adding a bunch of unnecessary snacks and junk food can add a lot on to a grocery bill.
2. Use coupons.
You don’t necessarily need to use coupons for everything you buy and go to the lengths that people do on shows like “Extreme Couponing” but it’s absolutely worth it to use coupons on items you buy regularly. Use smart phone apps, coupon inserts, and websites to find coupons.
3. Eat clean.
While most people assume that it costs more to eat clean, ultimately it can be cheaper. You want to buy more whole foods, and less packaged, processed foods. Packaged foods are expensive because you’re essentially paying for convenience. Additionally, you can buy produce at local farmer’s markets to cut down on costs even more.
4. Make a list before you go.
Making a list before you go is a great way to keep in mind what you really need, rather than just mindlessly walking through and picking things up. You can also give yourself a grocery budget, and by building a list, estimate how much the groceries will be so that you can stay within your grocery budget.
Follow these tips and you’re sure to have a better looking grocery bill at the end of your shopping trip!
Nikkie says
My #1 money saving tip for grocery shopping is meal plan, meal plan, meal plan! And within that topic, plan your meals each week around a theme so that a lot of the ingredients overlap. You can buy them in bulk to save money and if you’re using ingredients in several meals, you’re less likely to let thing spoil or go to waste. 🙂
Mexican themed week recipes and meal planning basics here!