How to Save Money on Potty Training
Next to diapering, potty training can be a big expense. You have the training pants to buy, undies that will inevitably get ruined in the process along with clothes and of course you have the potty or potty eat itself. Here are some ways to make your wallet happy about the process even if you find yourself pretty frustrated.
Do it as early as possible, but don’t force your child if they are not ready. It is common sense math that tells us that potty training earlier will cut down on how many more diapers you will have to use, but forcing your child or making it unpleasant can backfire on you. Start by introducing the potty and leaving it in an area that is easily accessible to your little one. Let their natural curiosity take over. It will when they are ready.
Subscribe and save on Amazon for pull-ups. You can save up to 20% on them by getting an Amazon Prime membership. Amazon Mom actually offers this service and you can even try it out for free for 3 months and take advantage of this deal, plus you get free two day shipping on diapers, training pants and wipes.
Skip buying the magic pottys with all the bells and whistles (literally on some models!). They really are not necessary. Instead you can buy a potty seat that goes on a regular toilet and can be taken off and on for less than $10 and it really is one of the best ways to get them used to the idea of going on the big toilet.
Use cloth potty training pants. While disposable potty trainers may seem no more expensive that diapers, they can add up still. Plus, your child may be in them longer. This is because with cloth potty trainers, your kiddo will feel the wetness and the discomfort from going in them much easier and will probably want to train faster so in the end you will not only spend less money, but less time training them as well. Plus, with cloth trainers, you only buy them once and just wash them over and over again so it cuts off the need to continuously buy.
Check out free books and DVDs at the library to read to your child about potty training. These resources are great for some kids, but if your local library has them, there is no need to run out and spend money on them.
Don’t buy an expensive chart for potty training. Instead, head to the dollar store and buy a poster board and some stickers and make your own. Also, there are many printable ones available online on blogs and websites. Just search Pinterest and you will come up with many of them.
Skip the toddler specific soaps and wipes. These are nothing more than a marketing tactic and are not needed to be successful with potty training. If your child really likes foaming hand soap after they go potty, save the next one you get and make your own. With just 1 part concentrated hand soap and 9 parts water, you have your own foaming hand soap.
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