Did you know you can save a lot of money by purchasing specific items second-hand? Many pre-loved items are just as good as new items, but they will cost you much less. If you are ready to spend less cash while still getting what you need, check out this extensive list of 25 smart things to buy second-hand.
Smart Things to Buy Second-hand
1. Shoes
You better believe that shoes can be bought second-hand. If you walk into a shoe store, you may notice the prices are high for most leading brands, such as Nike, Adidas, and Vans. Instead of going into these stores and spending a lot of money, save your cash and buy them second-hand. Even if they look a bit dirty, you can clean them. You can purchase shoe care kits that include special cleansers and brushes to get the shoes to look spotless again. Trust me; there is no shame in purchasing pre-worn shoes.
2. Pants
If you are losing weight and have noticed some pants do not fit well anymore, start shopping at stores that offer second-hand items. Why keep buying brand new pants and busting your budget? If you have not yet met your weight loss goals, you may still end up dropping a few sizes. Give it time! And, while you wait, it is best to get pre-owned sweatpants, jeans, skirts, and other bottoms to wear in the meantime.
3. Shirts
When visiting thrift stores and other places that offer pre-owned clothing for sale, you can expect to find all kinds of shirts. Some of these garments may include t-shirts, button-down shirts, and cardigans. If you want affordable clothes that fit well, do not be afraid to purchase some second-hand shirts.
4. Pots and Pan
Why spend a fortune on a new set of pots and pans? You can step into any thrift store and find some reliable pots and pans to use for all different types of meals. Cooking shouldn’t be costly. Besides purchasing pots and pans, you can find lots of second-hand appliances, including toasters, toaster ovens, and microwaves.
5. Lawn Furniture
Want to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather? If so, make sure you grab your lawn furniture second-hand. Check local yard sale pages and classifieds to find people who are selling their lawn furniture. You can get benches, chairs, tables, and other essentials at a much lower price than retail.
6. Lawn Mower
It would help if you had a lawnmower to keep the grass looking its best. The last thing you want to deal with is an overgrown lawn. There are second-hand lawnmowers out there that are cheap and budget-friendly. You will save money on an essential item that will help you keep your home’s exterior in excellent condition.
7. Living Room Furniture
Do you need furniture for your living room? You can check local neighborhood groups to see if anyone is selling a couch, loveseat, or reclining chair. As long as the living room furniture is bug-free, why not? You can always remove the upholstery and add new upholstery to the furniture or simply get a cover to make it look brand new.
8. Tables and Chairs
The perfect kitchen table may be much less expensive when you buy it second-hand instead of directly from the retailer. It is important to remember that you can make changes to the tables and chairs that you purchase. You can sand down imperfections and paint the table and chairs with a paint color of your choosing.
9. Television
Buy a used television to get it for a lower price. Many retailers offer used televisions at deeply discounted prices simply because someone owned the television, even if it was just for a few days. Why pay full price for a television?
10. Bed Frames
Get an affordable metal bed frame. If you buy a pre-owned bed frame, you can get it for a fraction of the cost. Platform metal bed frames are an excellent investment because you do not even need to get a box spring to use them with your mattress.
11. Kids Toys
How long do brand new toys keep your children entertained? If you know your children go through toys like nothing, it is best to get them second hand. You can find pre-loved toys at various retailers and thrift shops. Be sure to sanitize the toys when you get home, however.
12. Bedside Tables
Being able to put your water bottle, alarm clock, and other small bedtime essentials should not have to cost you a fortune. If you need a bedside table, hit up the local thrift store to see if they have any available.
13. Books
You may have noticed that good books can cost quite a bit of money. Reading should not be expensive. When people finish a book, they will often donate it. Buy a pre-owned book, save money, and enjoy a good read when you have some free time.
14. Children’s Clothing
Clothing for kids can cost a lot. Children go through clothes too quickly to buy them at the full retail price, especially if they play in them and rip them fast. Save the extra cash and buy second-hand clothes for your kids. You can even find some name-brand options available at certain stores.
15. Cars
A new car will depreciate the minute you take it off the lot. Why spend the full price on a vehicle when you can buy a pre-owned car at a much lower price. Make sure to get it from a dealership that offers a warranty to keep yourself protected.
Related: Saving for a Car – Why You Should Drive Your Car Until It Dies
16. Household Appliances
Trying to buy new appliances is like handing over your wallet and telling someone to spend all your money. If you want to avoid paying thousands of dollars for a stove, refrigerator, and other household appliances, buy them from a place that offers used options at much lower prices.
17. Wedding Decor and Attire
Finding wedding decor and attire for your special day can be fantastic to find second-hand. You can find beautiful decorations to use at your venue. You might even find a gorgeous second-hand dress that is meant for you.
Related: Save Money on Your Wedding Dress and Groom’s Attire
18. Gift Cards
Some people receive gift cards to places they do not plan on visiting. When this happens, they will usually sell gift cards. You can buy gift cards for a lower price. For example, you may get a $50 gift card for $35, which is a major steal.
19. Jewelry
The value of jewelry goes down quickly. Because your jewelry can depreciate fast, it is better to buy it second-hand instead of buying it directly from the jewelry store.
20. Pets
Head over to your local animal shelter to adopt a pet instead of buying one from a puppy mill. You can save a life while bringing a new four-legged companion home to live with your loved ones.
Related: 4 Tips for Taking Care of Your First Family Pet
21. Cell Phones
Avoid paying $800 for a brand new phone. Visit the phone store to see if they are offering any second-hand options. If not, you can visit many other stores that offer second-hand electronics to find what you need and want.
22. Textbooks
The cost of textbooks for college students is incredibly high. Save money by purchasing the textbooks second-hand from students who have already graduated and no longer need them.
23. Bicycles
Get around town a little easier with the help of a second-hand bike. Some bike brands charge an arm and a leg for such a convenient piece of equipment. If you do not want to get stuck paying a lot of money for a bike, buy one second-hand.
24. Computers and Computer Accessories
If you need a computer, keyboard, speakers, or other computer accessories, try to get pre-owned options. They will cost you a lot less, but they should still work just as well as the new ones.
25. Sports Equipment
You do not have to spend a lot of money on basketballs, boxing gloves, baseball bats, and other sports equipment. You can pay much less when buying used sports items. Check garage sales, second-hand stores, and local neighborhood sales pages to see what you can find.
If you want to save money while still getting what you need, buy these 25 items second-hand. Avoid paying full price for the essentials.
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