Homeschooling your kids doesn’t always have to be books and worksheets. In fact, it’s better for your children if you break it up sometimes with a field trip, craft or movie day. Finding educational movies that are both educational and fun can be hard though when you’re stressed and trying to figure things out. You want to make sure that your kids are watching something they will learn from, but you don’t want to bore them so much that they won’t learn. These 10 educational kids movies to add to your homeschool movie day are the perfect answer! Even though they may not seem like it, they’re all educational kids movies that teach your little ones in one way or the other!
16 Kids Educational Movies for your Homeschool Movie Day
A classic TV show (and movies), Little House on the Prairie not only teaches your kids what life was like in the 1800’s but how to treat others, how to work hard, how to be grateful and more. If you’re looking for something that they can watch over a period, opt for the tv show. If you want something that is a bit quicker, opt for one of the Little House on the Prairie Movies.
If you want to help reinforce the idea that even “just” one person can change the world, check out Dr. Seuss’s: The Lorax. After all, it is what happens in the movie and showing them might just spur them into action.
Another educational video that can teach your kids is Where the Red Fern Grows. This one again teaches about a particular period in time and can teach pet ownership and the responsibilities that come with it.
For teaching a love of music, how to accept others and that anyone can change the world with the right attitude, pick up Happy Feet. One little penguin makes huge changes in the people around him just with a positive attitude! They’ll also learn that they shouldn’t always conform to what their peers say or think.
If your little one is having trouble understanding the different emotions, Inside Out can help them not only understand, but also learn how to manage them as well!
For lessons involving the environment and how we care for it, Bee Movie is a great choice!
For kids who need to learn the importance of family, you can’t go wrong with The Velveteen Rabbit. Just be aware that it does have a pretty intense fire scene in it so you may want to be careful with little ones.
Another educational kids movie that you may not think about is Brother Bear. Not only does it teach the importance of family, but it also teaches patience, acceptance and of course, that we shouldn’t jump to assumptions.
When you’re learning about the ocean or trying to teach the life lesson of listening to your parents, why not pick up Finding Nemo? They’ll have a blast watching the undersea life and learn that Mom (or Dad) really does know best.
For teaching history, it doesn’t get much better than the Liberty’s Kids series. These short cartoons all take place at a different time in history meaning your kids will learn as they have fun watching.
If you have really young kids, you can pick up Preschool Prep DVDs they are fun for the kids and teaches them all sorts of things to get them ready for kindergarten.
For older children you can have them watch Gone with the Wind for a history lesson on the Civil War.
You can also have them watch Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman it's a TV series and while the characters are fictional they do cover many historical events like Washita and how a doctor actually worked and lived in the time. They also cover the railroad being built and more.
Older kids can also learn about the Great Depression era from watching The Waltons. They can see people lived differently and that things weren't always as accessible as they are now.
Also, a movie to help older kids learn a bit about weather is Twister. While this is best for teens, there is a lot of great tornado and weather information.
What educational movies do you watch when you take a homeschool movie day?
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