I don’t know about you, but I would love to go on a cruise right now. Cruises are so relaxing, fun, and a great way to see the world. However, they can be pretty expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. I'm going to share with you how to take a cruise on a budget or in other words how to cruise cheap!
Cruise Cheap – How to Take a Cruise on a Budget
How do you know what you can afford if you don’t have a budget? Determine how much you want to spend on your cruise. This should include the amount you want to spend on gas, airfare, food, drinks, and anything else. Once you have set a budget, you can start looking for deals on that budget.
Look for All-Inclusive Deals
I cannot express how important it is to look for all-inclusive deals. All-inclusive means your room fees, food, drink, and other amenities are included in a one-time fee. These are great ways to get everything from your cruise and stay under budget. Here are a few of my favorite sites for finding all-inclusive deals:
Related: How We Did a 4 Day Road Trip for Under $800 with a Family of 5
Plan Months Ahead of Time
This seems to always work well for me and my family. You need to make your plans 6-months to a year out. When you book early, you get a special deal that you won’t get if you book closer to the time you are leaving. Get the early bird special and plan your trip out. Not only does it save you, but it gives you time to save up for your trip.
Go on Off-Season
You don’t want to be like everyone else when you take a cruise. For one thing, there will be fewer people and for another, you will reap the benefits of a less expensive adventure. Though the weather may not be great, taking a cruise during off-season months can leave its benefits in your pocket.
Related: Safest Places to Pull Over to Sleep when on a Road Trip
Avoid Shore Excursions
One thing you may not realize is that when you dock, you will have to pay for anything done off the boat. Find things to fill your time that doesn't cost an arm and a leg when you dock. Excursions can be pricey. If you must do excursions, consider finding specific excursions and getting discounts from various online travel agencies.
One more quick note when check out Disney cruises with packages deals at GetAway Today. They are Disney Pros and know how to get all the best deals and the #1 Disney Package seller.
When it comes to taking a cruise on a budget, there are a lot of options to doing it. What other ways do you have to find a cruise on a budget? We would love to know in the comments below!
We love taking advantage of their promotions when the 3rd and 4th guest can travel for free. Perfect for families.