In Dr. Seuss’s story of The Lorax, a tale is told of the beautiful truffula tree. Truffulla trees are very colorful and eccentric, and are one of the trademarks of Dr. Seuss. If you are looking for a fun yet frugal Seuss themed craft, why not try making your own Truffula Tree Pencil Toppers? They are so easy to create, and you can make them using just $2 in dollar store supplies. Take a look below at how to craft your own.
Supplies needed:
Green pipe cleaners
Assorted pom poms
Hot glue, glue gun
We were able to find all of these supplies at our local dollar store. Just check in the crafting supply aisle for these items and many of the other items you will need for the featured Dr. Seuss craft projects.
Related: 11 Dr Seuss Crafts and Activities
1. Begin by cutting the pipe cleaners down into 3 and 4 inch strips. You want them to be shorter since they are going on a pencil and you won’t want them sticking out too long.
2. Apply a generous dab of hot glue to the end of each pipe cleaner. Press one craft pom pom to the pipe cleaner and hold it in place. Don’t let go until you know it has adhered.
3. You can now begin wrapping the pipe cleaners around the top of the pencil. First, wrap each of the pipe cleaners around each other. Then, wrap the combined pipe cleaners around the end of the pencil. Twist until the pipe cleaners are snug on the pencil.
How fun will it be to write all about Dr. Seuss while holding a truffula tree tipped pencil? Give these truffula tree pencil toppers a try and see how fun and frugal it can be to dive into the world of Dr. Seuss.
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