Hubby and I were sitting down at one of your budget meetings…. Ok we were sitting on the couch and I had just finished paying bills and was telling him where the money went. Somehow we got on to the topic of saving money he we decided we should try to save $50 a month in addition to what we already put into savings. My eyes narrowed, I won't lie the thought of screaming ‘Are your INSANE' crossed my mind. The reason being we already budgeted down to $0 EVERY month. Every penny was accounted for! So how I was going to find an extra $50 a month without taking on an extra job, which I didn't have time for?
Well I like a challenge so I started to think about it. The more I thought the more I was at a loss. Then one day I was walking through our garage and TRIPPED over my idea. No joke!
See the picture below? (you can click the picture to make it bigger although I don't know why you would want too) That is my 2 car garage that we can't fit a car into. See that path down the middle? That is how we come in the house. We pull into the dive away walk down that tiny path to the door that open into the dining room. This garage is pretty much the boxes that have not been unpacked since we moved in …. almost a year ago.
I figured if in a year? We haven't needed them? We probably NEVER will. The mattresses are brand new and for the girls room, we are just waiting on the bed frames to get here but really other then that I didn't know what else is out there.
So I decided I was doing to clear the clutter, use the Facebook groups and sell the junk to make $50 a month. I figure I could pace myself and not have to tackle the garage all at once.
So I took a run down of what I saw that I wouldn't touch, we have 2 freezers in there we use for our once a month grocery trips. There is some furniture, a dining room set that is a family heirloom, a crib, and desk I want to re finish, and then there is the baby stuff like the bouncer she will grow into.
So here is how I have done since January on my saving $50 a month.
So I go and look at find BOXES of diapers. We have 2 in diapers, our 2 year old is in size 6 and baby girl (who is 7 months old can you believe it!) is in size 2s yet I found a box and a half of size ones.
Month 1
Sold the diapers for $30. Next I opened my first box. A Bunch of DVDs that we decided to get rid of some still at the plastic on them! Once I sold $20 I was done for the month. Took me about 15 minutes to find another 15 to list there was my $50!
Month 2
I sold the rest of the DVDs for $10. Then I found our old printer. We bought a new one that prints more paper about 3 months ago, this printer also had 8 full ink cartridges, Sold it for $40. DONE for the month.
Month 3
The next box I open had some kids toys since my kids have enough toys I put what pieces I could find together and sold what I could and made $20. The next box I opened was full of scrapbook supplies. I have never put a scrapbook together in my life, did I need to keep them? Nope! I made $40 selling everything in the box. $10 over this month!
Month 4
Month 4 I tacked the boxes of holiday decor. My fall/Halloween box had items that we hadn't even used, still new in the box and with tags. I probably could have made more if I waited to sell around October but I wasn't going to wait. I made $30 on it. I also sold our old grill for $40. $20 over score!
Sadly in 4 months there is still not a dent made in the garage! I have kids clothes, holiday decorations, kitchen supplies, household decor and more to sell.
So my tip to you is find someplace in your house that is cluttered and go thru it, If you haven't used it or needed in the last 6 months chances are are you can safely get rid of it! List it for sale and whatever you make is found money!
We recently started using Digit (use my link so you don't get waitlisted! Read more about Digit here.) it helps us save money without having to really think about it by analyzing out spending patterns! It's free to use! It has helped us save about $50 or more month as well!
The way you break it all down makes it seem really easy to hit the $50 a month goal. Thanks for posting. Hello from Thrifty Thursday.
What platform do you use to sell your stuff? Ebay? Facebook group? Craigslist? We have some items we could sell, but I don’t know the best way to sell them.
My neighborhood has an email I post to first then I use local Facebook Groups I try to stay away from Craiglist.