Stress brings out the worst in parents. When we feel stressed, we can’t think straight, or do what needs to be done. That’s why feeling stressed out and homeschooling our kids, just does not work. There has to be a solution for stressed out homeschooling parents or else your child’s education could be in jeopardy.
#1. Cut Yourself Some Slack
Most adults wake up with a list a mile long of things that need accomplished before the sun goes down. If there is one way to reduce the amount of stress you feel while homeschooling your children, it is to cut yourself some slack. Everything you want to teach your child in those few precious hours of homeschooling might not get done. Do what you can and move on.
#2. Join a CO-OP
A lot of stress from homeschooling stems from trying to do everything on our own. One way you can alleviate some of that stress is to join a CO-OP. CO-OPs are unique in the fact that your child joins several different students to learn. It’s not quite public school, but you’re not homeschooling in the comfort of your own home. Teaming up with other parents to homeschool your kids, might just be the stress reducer you need.
#3. Join a Support Group
No one expects you to be able to handle homeschooling on your own, there’s too much stress. This is one of the many reasons you should consider joining a support group. One major reason I love the Internet, is that you can log onto Facebook, and connect with many other moms and dads who are going through the same thing as you. You can also try and find a local homeschool support group if that helps you.
#4. Find an Outlet
Homeschooling is more about our kids and a lot less about us, however, parents still need some sort of outlet to help them. Whether you choose to exercise or to hang out with your adult friends once a week, you need to get out of the house and enjoy life as an individual. The truth is this tip goes for anyone who has kids. Getting out and enjoying life is excruciatingly important.
#5. Set a Timer
If time is stressing you out as a homeschooling parent, then it might be time to set the ‘timer’ on yourself. When working with your kids on a homeschooling lessons, set the timer, this will help everyone stay on task. When the timer goes off, it’s time for everyone to move onto something else.
#6. Make a Schedule
You don’t have to fly by the seat of your pants when it comes to homeschooling your children. Take the time to schedule things out and this will help alleviate some of your stress. Of course, you can make a schedule with the idea of being flexible. Not everything has to be set in stone.
I’m hoping some of these tips help you become a little less stressed out this school year. Remember that if something goes wrong, you can always move onto something else. When it comes to homeschooling, you get to write the rules.
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