This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Navy Federal Credit Union for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Isn’t it hard to believe that summer is here already? My kids are super excited about summer and so am I. I have made it my mission this summer to help my kids have fun, but also help our whole family stay on budget. Believe it or not, but there are tons of summer activities you can do on a budget. Here are some of our favorites.
Head to the park
You already knew I was going to tell you this one. However, I have a little twist for you. Instead of visiting the same park repeatedly, try this. Visit a new park every time! You can pick a mile radius and then spend the summer visiting each park. You never know which ones may become your favorite.
Splash pad, anyone?
Instead of buying a pool pass, do this: visit your local splash pad. If you aren’t sure of what a splash pad is, it’s simple. It’s where water comes out of a fountain, built for kids. This can help you save money on a pool pass! The kids will love it too. You won’t complain about getting yourself a little wet either.
Pack your lunch as much as possible
Great summer activity for your family to stay on budget is by packing your lunch. When we visit parks, splash pads, or even zoos, bringing our own lunch can save so much money. It can be expensive to eat out, which is why packing lunch is such a money saver.
Take summer hikes
Another one of our favorite activities on a budget is taking summer hikes. We really enjoy experiencing our city together and our county parks. If you take a little time to explore, you won’t believe how many different places you can discover with the family. The best thing about taking a summer hike is that it’s free. There is nothing quite like being able to do a family activity for free!
Get an activity pass when you can
Another way you can save money on activities is by getting an activity pass. Some cities will allow you to buy a pass that gives you access to various activities for one low price. If your city doesn’t offer something like this, perhaps, you can look for bigger cities close to you. It’s always fun to sightsee on a budget.
Go Camping… In your backyard
Pitch a tent in the backyard, you have everything you need in the house but all the fun of camping under the stars (and the convenience of a bathroom!)
Catch Fireflies
In the summers as a kid, I used to love catching fireflies. I would catch as many as I could and put them in a mason jar as a nightlight and then let them go in the morning and do it all over again the next night.
To have a budget for summer, I start saving every fall. I put a little bit of money back in an account like Navy Federal's SaveFirst Account so that we can save up enough money for these activities. With five kids, summer activities can add up quickly. We also use Navy Federal Credit Union to help us with all our banking and budgeting needs. It’s wonderful to know we have NFCU to walk us through this part of our lives financially, just as they have every other stage. Learn how to Become a Member and all the great benefits they have.
Need help with your financial goals? Visit MakingCents for clear, step-by-step information to help you meet your financial goals.
Summer reading program for free at your local library with events to go with it along with free movies at the library!