We recently did a Farm Unit study with my older kids and my preschooler wanted in on the fun so I created these Farm Animal Puzzles and now I'm offering them as a Free Preschool Worksheets Printable.
Farm Animal Puzzles Free Preschool Worksheets Printable
As I mentioned we did a Farm Unit Study with my kids. We did everything from reading books, watching TV shows and movies to worksheets and the kids favorite is probably the Farm Science Kit, I won't like that was mom's favorite too!
You don't have to be a homeschool family to use these Farm Animal Preschool Printables either. If you are visiting a farm and want to get your kids excited this is the perfect way!
When putting together a unit study or activity do a great mix of hand on, video, books, and even a field trip if you can.
You can also read Animals Books to enhance any unit study, trip or just rainy day.
Farm units are great for preschoolers because it will enhance their vocabulary, teach them about animals and where are food comes from and as a bonus it can help picky eaters try new things. Many farms will stands where they sell items from their farm. Dairy farms will have things like ice cream, milk, cheese and meat. Others will have fruits and veggies. If they kids learn and see where they come from then are allowed to pick and help cook the food they are more likely to try it.
Click here to download your Farm Printable Pack
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