How to stop spending money, that's a question I get asked a lot! I know when you are looking to get your budget on track the most abundant advice you get is to stop spending money. I don't know about you but that is easier said than done! It's not as easy as snapping your fingers to just break old habits. It takes commitment and time but I can say with 100% honesty that I know it can be done! I'm living proof! Here are the Tips to Stop Spending Money I used to stop my spending. Make sure to also check out our ways to earn money and money-saving recommendations.
12 Genius Tips to Stop Spending Money
My biggest tips are to try one at a time and work them in as you go. Don't dive in and try to completely change it will set you up for failure. Give yourself some leeway too just because one thing doesn't work doesn't mean your failing.
Not every tip will work for everyone. Such as the ‘sleep on it' tip? It worked fine for a week for me but then I had to move to the 3-day tip. Also, the $5 challenge didn't save me much because I didn't end up with a lot of $5 bills!
Don't try to do everything all at once! Do one thing at a time and let it become a habit then start another one.
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Sleep On It
This is the best way to avoid impulse buys! Normally that item you want right now doesn't look like such a good buy in the morning. Many times when I do this, by morning I either don't want the items, found a better solution or found it cheaper elsewhere.
Wait 3 Days
If you want to take the above to the extreme then wait 3 days to buy. I do this with bigger purchases things over $100 and many times when I add things to my Amazon Cart!
Related: 30 Hacks to Save With Your Amazon Prime Membership
Work Out What it Costs in Work Time
Figure out how many hours you would have to work at your job to buy that item. For instance, those $100 shoes would take you 5 hours BEFORE taxes at $20 an hour, after taxes could be closer to 6!

Leave Debit and Credit Cards at Home
Heading to visit a friend? Leave the debit and credit cards at home. This will prevent you from being able to spend money you don't have.
I also do this when I go grocery shopping. I take cash and leave my cards at home it prevents me from going over my budget.
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For Every New Thing You Buy, Try to Get Rid of an Old Thing
This will prevent many buys because you aren't replacing something. Also when getting rid of the old item make sure to sell it if you can to add money back to your budget!
This has stopped me a few times because I have a rule If I'm buying furniture I need to get rid of furniture. It's easy when I'm replacing something like the dresser my daughter broke but has prevented purchases like the end table I couldn't find something to get rid of in its place.
Related: One Tip Even Beginners Can Do That Can Save You $1200 a Year on Groceries. No Coupons Needed!
Have a No Spend Day
If you normally spend the most amount of money on say a Friday make one Friday a month a no-spend day. Don't spend money on a single thing!
Many take this to an extreme and do a no spend a week, or even a no spend a month.

Take the $100 Challenge
Only carry a $100 bill with you. Many places won't take it and you are less likely to spend it because mentally it hurts more to break a $100 than any other bill!
Take the $5 Challenge
Pay with cash and every time you get a $5 bill put it away and save it! It adds up a lot quicker than you think! Many also add to saving every quarter they get as well.
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Balance before you spend
Balance your budget before you make a purchase. This takes a bit of time and focusing on your budget will make you really evaluate your purchase. This also gives you a chance to move things around if needed.

Have a Change Jar
Same as above use cash and put all your change in a jar to save. We save a ton by doing this and you don't even miss it! Once a month we take it to our bank, and they have a change counter and add it to savings.
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Cancel Catalogs and Email
All the junk catalogs that get mailed to you? Cancel them and take away the temptation. The same goes for email it will take some time to unsubscribe from all those deal emails but if there is no temptation you will save more!
I can't tell you how many times I've bought something because I opened an email! They are meant to do that but your budget doesn't like it!
Use a Budget Planner
Use a budget planner so you know where your budget is going. There are many free ones like or you can even use the Cash Envelope Budget System.
What Tips to Stop Spending Money do you use? I'd love to try some more out! Let me know in the comments below.
I wrote down every day for a year every single purchase I made in my daily planner and total it up on Fridays. Yep. That was a HUGE eye opener. 🙂