When it comes to saving money, there are lots of ways you can go about doing it. There are at least 25 ways to cut your spending by $100 a month if not more. Some of these ways you may have thought about and other ways you may not have. Either way, when money is tight you do what you need to, to save and get the bills paid.
25 Ways to Cut Your Spending by $100 a Month
Use the envelope system. That way you know what you’re spending and can automatically put the extra $100 back a month.
Cut your cable bill. If you can get out of your cable bill, do it now. It’s eating into your budget and what do you get in return?
Stop eating out. It’s amazing how willing we are to spend money eating out. However, it’s also the easiest way to save!
Stay home more. Gas can be expensive, learn how to enjoy being home more. The more you go out, the more money you’ll spend.
Related: How to Save Money – How to Save 50% of Your Income
Use up what’s in your cabinets. Most of us have some sort of food in our cupboards just sitting there, use that food up before you buy more.
Stop drinking $5 coffees. You are probably guilty of this. Spending $5 on a cup of coffee can add up fast, but it can also help you cut back fast.
Potty train your kiddo. If you’ve been putting off potty training your kid, but it’s time, you can easily start saving $100 a month on diapers and wipes!
Don’t use your credit card. When you use a credit card, you’re most likely paying interest. Pay with cash or use your debit card.
Eat cheap foods. You can find foods that are cheaper than what you’re buying. Stick to a meal plan and eat cheaper foods, this will help you cut your spending by $100 a month.
Do free things. It’s amazing how many free family functions you can do these days. Keep this in mind as you try and cut your spending by $100 this month. You can do it.
Do your hair at home. A trip to the salon can cost hundreds of dollars. Get yourself an affordable blowout brush that you can use to style your hair at home with ease.
Use coupons when you shop at different stores. If you need groceries or household supplies, use coupons. You can combine store coupons with manufacturer coupons to save more than $100 per month.
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Have your little ones wear reusable diapers. When you have littles in diapers, try using reusable cloth diapers. The disposable ones can cost you so much money in the long run.
Stop buying plastic utensils. It might save you from doing a bunch of dishes, but you’re wasting your money on plastic utensils when you can use the metal reusable ones at home.
Buy less junk food at the grocery store. When you’re shopping for groceries, cut down on buying too much junk food. It’s not good for you, and it can also cost more than you’d like to spend.
More Ways to Cut Your Spending by $100 a Month
Shop at stores known to offer lower prices on food and other essentials. When you need to go shopping, go to stores known to offer low prices, such as Wal-Mart and Aldi.
Get gas at the cheapest spot on the right day. Download an app that lets you know of gas stations with the cheapest prices near you. Make sure you’re filling up your tank in the middle of the week instead of on the weekend when prices are at their highest.
Buy generic products. You’ll save more money by purchasing generic products instead of brand names. Most generic products taste just as good as the more popular brands.
Bundle up at home when it’s cold outside. If it’s cold outside and cold inside the home because of the temperature outdoors, bundle up instead of blasting your heat. You can wear layers of clothing, including two pairs of socks, a sweatshirt, pants, and more.
Get clothes and shoes from consignment shops when you need them. If you need new clothes or shoes, check the consignment shops. You’ll find great pre-loved items available at discounted prices to help you save money.
Ride your bike more and drive less. If you drive less, you’ll waste less gas, and that means you won’t have to spend nearly as much on it each month.
Cut back on the amount of electricity used at home. Stop using as much electricity. When it starts getting dark, consider lighting candles in the room you’re in before putting on the lights. If you use the electricity less, your bill will be cheaper.
Related: Tips for Saving Energy from IGS Energy
Ditch the landline phone. If you’re still paying for a landline phone, consider getting rid of it. While it’s convenient to have as a backup, it’s not an essential item that you need!
Get rid of your gym membership. Why pay a lot of money for a gym membership? If you’re not using it as often as you’d like, cancel it. You can exercise at home without having to pay anything to do so.
Let your clothes dry outside instead of in a dryer. Instead of using the dryer, take your wet clothes out of the washing machine and hang them on a clothesline. You’ll reduce your energy usage, thus saving more money.
What are some ways in which you can cut your spending and save $100 a month? Leave your best tips below!
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